
Eat 24 Mobile Redesign

Eat 24 Mobile Redesign

Mobile First

By simplifying the ordering process and reducing information per page, the re-design of the Eat24 mobile app will increase the number of meals bought through the service and increase the number of restaurants served nationwide. 

For this solo redesign project, I approached the design through user research and user testing first, before developing the design. After sitting with the user(s), listening to their needs and analyzing the information, I crafted the mobile app first. Mobile presents the greatest opportunity to reach a larger audience and working within the constraints helps inform a simple design.

Through my research, I found that users were frustrated at specific points in the ordering process and also after the order was complete. I used personas and journey mapping techniques to find these "frustration points", allowing me to focus my attention on the user needs. 

Business Goals:

Goal 1: Increase number of meals bought through the native app to "x" amount.

Goal 2: Increase restaurants served nation-wide to 1 million. (actual Eat24 goal)

User Goals:

Goal 1: Simplify ordering process to decrease decision fatigue.

Goal 2:  Leverage mobile technological capabilities to further enhance the ordering process. 

Tools Used: Adobe Suite(asset development), sketch(wireframing and visual design), hand sketching(low-fi wireframes, idea sketches), white board(low-fi wireframes, idea sketching, whiteboarding), invision(prototypes and class presentations), and Asana(managing the project and setting time goals).